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Create and edit annotations

You can view & edit annotations on any graph that shows statistics over time. This includes the visitors overview (Visitors > Overview), any goals page, the referrers overview (Referrers > Overview) and any row evolution popup.

To view annotations on one of these graphs, select a period that includes the date(s) you want to annotate, and either click below the date on the evolution graph, or click on the ‘Annotations’ link in the lower right corner.


Clicking on a date shows the annotations for that specific period (ie, the day Nov. 15, 2012 or the week starting on Nov. 18, 2012). Clicking on the ‘Annotations’ link will show every annotation within the date range displayed by the evolution graph.

To create a new annotation, first open the annotation viewer as described above. Then, while logged in, click on the ‘Create a new annotation…’ link:

Finally, enter a note (and optionally, change the date of the annotation), then click save. The new annotation will be saved.

To modify an existing annotation, first open the annotation viewer as described above. Then, while logged in, click on the ‘Edit…’ link next to the annotation you want to edit. If the link is not present, then you don’t have permission to edit the annotation.

Note: If you have admin access for a site, you can edit/delete any annotation. If you don’t, you can only edit/delete the annotations you created.

After you click the ‘Edit…’ link, you will be able to change the date and text.

If you want to delete the annotation, you can click the ‘Delete’ link.


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